Monday, December 5, 2011

Video 21: Making Memories: Moving Down the Bucket List

In this video David shares his decision not to pursue treatment for his cancer and to instead focus on making memories with his family. He reviews the many bucket list items he has been blessed to accomplish since finishing his final chemotherapy.


  1. David, I have so enjoyed watching your videos. I think about dying all the time, but I'm not sick or even old...well, I'm 56! I live in NY and come from Cincinnati, so I've been blogging about living here. I love that you have been so honest about everything. You are a treasure. I have recently decided (!) to believe in an afterlife. I've read so many books on the subject, and I have been a Christian, an Athiest, an Agnostic, and wished I were Jewish at one time, ha ha! But I think evidence (spiritual and physical) is that God and heaven exist in some way, some where. You have done what you can to appreciate what God has given us through "life", and I thank you for sharing your thoughts. May God bless and keep you and your family.

  2. David. Thank you so much for the videos you have produced so far, I am looking forward to more. I first saw your picture last year on the Mizzou/Ellis magazine I picked up as it had my Dr's face on the front also with his favorite friday mizzou tie. I have followed the videos and blog since and it helped my journey tremendously. I, like yourself, worked at MU, and went through chemo for AML.
    Good luck with your future.


  3. Thanks Rich, much appreciated. So glad the videos have been helpful -- we share a great doc, he is the best. We are kindred souls with this baffling, cunning disease; but keep on living, it is the best option.


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