Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Video #5: I am not alone: Social Support and Cancer


In this video #5 David shares the value of social support and some of the many ways his friends and family have been supportive

Monday, December 26, 2011

Video #6: Caregiver Perspective

This video was shot days after we received some great news from our medical team.

The PET scan showed absolutely no lesions. This means that all malignancies are less than one centimeter and the chemo is WORKING!! Hopefully after our final chemo treatment we look forward to going at least six months before they reappear.

Thanks for all your kind words, it means the world to us and we read every single one!


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Video #7: Finding Hope After Chemotherapy

Now what? First round of chemotherapy is over- now it is time to find the hope in living with cancer which you are not knocking down with chemo. This video talks about finding new hope.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Video #9: Reflection on Lessons Learned from Chemotherapy


David and Debbie have had time to reflect on their many lessons while David was in Chemo. They now share some of the most important lessons with you.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Video #10: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions


In this video David reviews the many decisions that face cancer patients and their families with the hope that others will take the time to have difficult conversations before they become necessary.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Video #11: Cancer Journey Coping Strategies

In this video David and Debbie discuss a few of the ways they have found to cope with the stress of Davids cancer journey.

Video #11: Cancer Coping Strategies

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Video #12: Cancer: My Exit Strategy

In David's latest video he and Debbie discuss what "dying well" means for him as he outlines guidelines for decision making and his goals for his end of life care.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Video #13: Cancer: Love and Grief

In this video David responds to a daughters question, giving advice about grief and how it is impacted by love.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Video #15: Following diagnosis, questions to ask your doctor before treatment

David and Debbie provide 5 questions to ask your physician after receiving your cancer diagnosis, but before choosing to receive treatment. They encourage you to print the questions below and take them with you to your physician as you discuss options for your care.


Summary of questions to ask your physician:

#1 – “So doctor, what are all my treatment options, what are the pros and cons of each, and what is my life expectancy with, and without treatment?”

#2 – “I’ve heard about ‘palliative care.’ What is it, and will you refer me to a palliative care physician or nurse?”

#3 – “If I choose treatment, what are the most common side effects, when will they appear, and what can I do for them?”

#4 – “How much is all this going to cost me?”

#5 – “Who will be my ‘quarterback,’ the one who will be managing all the care I am about to receive? 

Video #14: "Mans Best Friend" Talks About Cancer

In this video Chewy (the Oliver Dog) talks about the cancer from his perspective as he describes his job in taking care of David and Debbie

Monday, December 12, 2011

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Video 18: Lingering Side Effects of Chemotherapy

Davids last chemotherapy was one year ago however there are still lingering side effects. Debbie and David share his experience with neuropathy- a frustrating side effect.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Video 19: Cancer: Our Exit Strategy: Depriving Death of Its Strangeness

David and Debbie shared their story in a Plenary Session with 2500 hospice and palliative care professionals at the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. The Academy has graciously shared the audio recording of this very special presentation. We hope in sharing it we motivate others to request Palliative Care and inspire those who work so hard at delivering it to continue with this special mission. We alternate giving the patient and caregiver experience and strategies for handling this journey. Its a hour long but we believe worth sharing with you!youtu.be/nnv7upIRAPA

Monday, December 5, 2011

Video 20: Cancer's Back: Thoughts of a Dying Man

Painfully honest, David shares his intimate thoughts following the news last month that the cancer has returned.


Video 21: Making Memories: Moving Down the Bucket List

In this video David shares his decision not to pursue treatment for his cancer and to instead focus on making memories with his family. He reviews the many bucket list items he has been blessed to accomplish since finishing his final chemotherapy.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Video 22 Cancer: Caregivers Prerequisites

Debbie shares her thoughts and experiences as she has cared for David. Presence, preparation, patience, and persistence can go a long way toward helping someone take care of their friends or family.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Video 24: Affirmation of Life and Death: A 12-Step Program

David shares his 12-step program as applied to his cancer journey. These 12 steps have helped him maintain a positive attitude in the midst of his terminal illness. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FfLRYEDKJs

Video 23: Exit Strategies

This is a video taped presentation given to the MU Medical School and Columbia community last week. A crowd of 250 professionals and citizens shared in this special experience and we are happy to share it with you. Longer than our normal videos but we hope it is useful information. Watch for a special appearance from Oliver Tappanna our six month old grandson! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBqrcMDDcHg.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Video 25: Palliative Radiation and Quality of Life

David shares his recent decision and experience with palliative radiation which successfully addressed several symptoms impacting his quality of life.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Video 26: Mountain Retreat

David welcomes you to his favorite place in the world, Rocky Mountain National Park. He shares an update on his condition, his thoughts about the decisions along the way, and his vision for his final resting place. Come enjoy the beauty and respite of Davids special place!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Video 27: Hospice: Its Time

David shares his journey to Hospice and describes his experience realizing his body is shutting down as his mind goes on living until his final moments.


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Video 28: Cancer: Two Patients, Not One

David takes this opportunity to advocate for caregivers and explain some of the things Debbie does as his caregiver. He asked health care providers to remember caregivers are patients as well. Cancer is a family disease.

Video 28: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsVmU3KufQc

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Celebrating the Life of David B. Oliver

In part one of Davids service the family presents a memorial video with his favorite songs and photos. David then makes a surprise visit and introduces the Master of Ceremony for his service. Dr Keith Knapp welcomes everyone and Dr. Steve Zweig discusses David as his friend.  

Part One: https://youtu.be/fKqzM4vJEn4

Part Two: In part two we have David as Teacher, Father, Leader, and Jogger as well as a duet by Michelle Oliver (daughter in law) and Megan Oliver (granddaughter).

Part Three: This part pays tribute to David as Mentor, Explorer,Colleague,Uncle, Rebounder (Friend of Bill W), Brother, Life Long Pal, and Boss/Leader

Part Four This Finale celebrates David as Grandfather, Husband, and Mizzou Fan ending the amazing tribute

Interview with Debbie on David Lile

Debbie was recently a guest on the morning radio show with David Lile in Columbia, Missouri. Hear her talk about Davids final days/hours as she continues his mission to share the cancer journey.