Saturday, December 3, 2011

Video 22 Cancer: Caregivers Prerequisites

Debbie shares her thoughts and experiences as she has cared for David. Presence, preparation, patience, and persistence can go a long way toward helping someone take care of their friends or family.


  1. We have been following you on your journey. We think about you often with very fond memories. We are sending lots of love to you and Debbie. Richard had a heart attack three months ago in Sicily. Fortunalely, his life was saved with no damage. Another reason to savor the preciousness of each moment of life Alice and Richard Matzkin

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  3. David and Debbie, I think of you often since the flood here. Your kindness towards me during that hazy, awful period will never be forgotten. Never.

    Love to you both (and Chewy). Linda Wagner

  4. Dr. Oliver, I have been following your journey with awe. I often wonder how you are these days, and hope the cancer is staying subdued. Could you give the many of us who have come to know and care for you an update? God bless you.

    1. Thank you for your concern. We will be posting a new video in a few days. I am doing well but experiencing increasing symptoms which are being managed by my great palliative care team in collaboration with my primary care physician. Feel free to "like" my Facebook page for ongoing updates and adventures!

  5. Thank you. We have been traveling and have not updated this or made a new video- stay tuned we are working on the next. I had a rough couple months this fall but am doing very well now, exercising and working on my mental attitude.

    1. Thank you for your concern. We will be posting a new video in a few days. I am doing well but experiencing increasing symptoms which are being managed by my great palliative care team in collaboration with my primary care physician. Feel free to "like" my Facebook page for ongoing updates and adventures!

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